Saturday, August 22, 2009

Get Free Stuff From Walmart, Legally Steal, and Make Money off Walmart

How to make $100 from Wal-Mart right away:

If you head over to the sports department and take a look at the fishing poles, you’ll notice that they all have stickers to ring up. Depending how hood your Wal-Mart is, they leave them above any plastic or any type of security. Now, grab a $150 dollar combo pole, and take a sticker from a $10 pole, remove and replace, but keep the sticker you took off. When you go to check out, look for the clerk who doesn’t know shit about fishing, there’s always one or two. Now, if you like to fish, you have the pole of your dreams, and you can do this daily - it never gets old. You will need to provide an ID card for the return without a receipt, but there’s a Wal-Mart on every corner now a days so just spread out. If you don’t fish, you can replace the sticker - use a bit of glue if you need to, and get a refund card. Groceries for the month for free. If you use one of the self check outs, it may look suspicious so try to look for the newb clerk.

Now, you have a new fishing pole, or a gift card with $100-$140 on it.

Having a friend that worked for Wal Mart, I learned a few other tricks you may not know. It is a fact that if you literally steal less than five dollars worth of inventory from Wal Mart, THEY WILL NOT PRESS CHARGES, EVER. If you’re pretty enough, you can go back and forth and get whatever you’d like. I personally just open up anything I want while inside the store and eat it, or if it’s material, like say, BIC lighters, I just take it or put it in my girls’ purse. I haven’t been sweated for any of the above, and I have done this for years and years. BUT THERE’S MORE!

Through reading the comments below, you’ll find a few more ways to get over. Don’t be threatened by people claiming to be smart if they work for Wally World, they obviously aren’t. Wal Mart policy takes over 2 years to change NO MATTER what it is, so you’re fine, at worst, you’ll be kicked out of 1 of 10 stores in the city(oh no I have to drive a block further). Also, while I have been doing this for 5+ years, actually, before I was exchanging print cartridges for 40-50 credit, I HAVE NEVER BEEN IN ANY KIND OF TROUBLE, NOT EVEN SPOKEN TO.




  1. This is awesome. I cant wait to try out these things in my local walmart.

  2. can you give me some more ideas? and will they kick me out the first time i do it?

    1. If you have the balls to do it bring reusable grocery bags and put then in your cart...then your grocery shop for t shirts pants watch anything realy whitout a alarm stycker...then go in an ile where theres no one close to the front entrance and lut everythingh in your bag quickly!!!! Then casualy go out by the front entrance pretending talking on your phone!!! D on t look at anyone while you go can make more money in food gift cards or anything in 30 min then a full week of work!

  3. heres the best thing about walmart I discovered this trick about two years ago, I have done it both legally and illigaly and NEVER BEEN QUESTIONED!!! , walmart has a Customer garentee policy that states if the Item is found above a sticker, it is to be sold at that price (weather or not the sticker matches the item)
    example: back in 2010 I was wondering around the electronics department looking for burnable DVD's (yes im a pirate) when i finally found them I saw that they were $15.99 for a 100 pack, I took them to the front and when the lady scanned them she said they were $50.00 I politley explained to her that the sticker said $15.99 and waited as she ran back to check, she then had to inform her manager that they were misplaced.
    (what ended up happeining was that the dvds had ben slid over and when i say slid i mean literally a half a foot away on the same shelf to where the CDs were and the cds were $15.99 THE DVDS WERE $50.00) this is when I was informed of the policy
    let me make this bold for you
    now heres the reason why
    there are actually 2 reasons
    #1. walmart is suppose to take pride in there work (thats why they do the little faggaty walmart cheer before there shift) they belive that there customer service skills should be good enough to have products clearly marked so that the customer (Me or you) (or your everyday backwoods inbread hillbilly cant read retard) that shops at walmart doesnt have to worry about double checking prices. even tho they have the price checkers at the end of the isle LOL I FUCKING LOVE WALMART LOL.
    #2. you "THE CUSTOMER" should not have to look at the small print on the already small sticker to verify a price.

    with that being said again I have done this both legally "Legitamtly" (found an item misplaced)
    and Illigally "illligitamatly" (moved items to fit into my price range.
    there's 50/50 chance they will actually belive you found that item in the wrong spot if dont put more of that item there. (for the hillbilly this is to insure that when they call you on it you can tell them to go look cause theres more back there)

    by the way I know im a shitty speller its fucking 9:30 im tired iv been at school all day and now sitting on the phone at my crappy tellamarketing job. life sucks enough i dont need to here it from you so if your gonna be a fag and run your mouth at least have the decency to ask where I live so I can tell you and you can knock on my door and get knocked the fuck out.

    1. Wal-Mart has implemented a return policy of only being able to return three times without a receipt. if you're in a bind make sure that you use this wisely. i have found that anything over 50 dollars needs a manager approval and that if you have several items to return make sure they start with the most expensive item first as the first item will start the returns over 50 dollars and they have to get the manager approval firstly, if they start with the smaller items they will stop at fifty dollars and that will take one or more of your returns away in one visit.

    2. Yeah cause i would let some tele marketing school boy knock me out. Tuff guy lol jay boo 1010

    3. Obvi you live in denial of your true feelings towards men. 100 Bro Blvd Crazy Town USA (Midwest division)

  4. Can I return a used game to walmart that I buy at like a pawn shop? Will they exchange it for the same game, and then I can return that game at a different walmart?

  5. this is absolute horrible slimeball things to do. this is STEALING and it's one of many reasons this country is going down the tubes. people think the deserve to get something without working for it or paying for it. you people should be ashamed. are you illegally on food stamps too?

    1. If stealing bothers you then why did u click on the link for this website u had to look this up in order to get on this page a

    2. If stealing bothers you then why did u click on the link for this website u had to look this up in order to get on this page a

    3. Some blue blood royal son , we taken cause ain't nobody giving and I work everyday if my life . America a rich mans vision but a poor mans prison. Burn them bitchs they burn women and your dumbass to every time they put mom and pop out of bussiness.

    4. I tried to open two Mom and Pop stores and Walmart under priced me putting me out of business both times.

    5. I think the only stealing going on here is the wage walmart pays its employees...

    6. What is stealing is when you see a walmart item on "Rollback", the red price tag suggesting the price was lowered, is a fake and is the same price as the original tag underneath it.

    7. OMG I was looking for tips about couponing in wlamart and it brought me here.I was reading and i cant belive how people can acctually do that. Its so sad. I mean even if you don't get in trouble its still not ok, how your morals allows you to do that??? Horrible thing to do!

    8. Its horrible how walmart can make billion dollars profits every year with their ridiculous high prices and not pay their employees fairly, you cant steal from a thief

    9. Bitch ass, silver spoon in your mouth ass, do-as-you're-told ass, uncle tom ass dude. Go fuck yourself

    10. Damn, it's hard af out here! Do people not realize it? Me and my bf are unemployed (he just lost his job and he's worked the whole 5 years I've known him) I've been unemployed for a while because I lost my car due to a wreck. We are trying our BEST to find gainful employment and get on our feet while raising 4 children. I hate stealing. I know it's wrong. But sometimes you are put in a position of having to do what you have to do. It sucks but it is what it is. People who steal when they got it, I'm not knocking you down at all. Fuck these companies who make billions of dollars a year. And FUCK the people who don't understand and make judgements on anyone.

    11. Hell yeah!! Preach on, sister!!

    12. Clay dude it's a corporation. Get off your high horse dude.

    13. Tiffany, you hit the nail right on the head. Trying to survive for some of us can be a major struggle. No one should go without.
      I know it's wrong as well, but so is a huge company making billions while people in the same town can barely survive.

    14. Careful , You WILL live the life of those you judge and discriminate against. It will stress you out,and leave you grief-stricken and embarrassed. But it will humble and humanize you as well. Who you judge and look down upon is who you will eventually become.

    15. Can you take something off the shelf and go Strait to the return area to get cash for it.

  6. this is absolute horrible slimeball things to do. this is STEALING and it's one of many reasons this country is going down the tubes. people think the deserve to get something without working for it or paying for it. you people should be ashamed. are you illegally on food stamps too?

  7. this is absolute horrible slimeball things to do. this is STEALING and it's one of many reasons this country is going down the tubes. people think the deserve to get something without working for it or paying for it. you people should be ashamed. are you illegally on food stamps too?

  8. this is absolute horrible slimeball things to do. this is STEALING and it's one of many reasons this country is going down the tubes. people think the deserve to get something without working for it or paying for it. you people should be ashamed. are you illegally on food stamps too?

    1. I truly believe you are the STUPIDEST person I've ever had the displeasure of running across on the internet. Bitch if you are so "anti shoplifting" and wanna judge someone take your brown pointed up nose elsewhere and shove it up your ass! I have two children! When I had my kids my husband and I were both gainfully employed and making decent money. I worked 18 years and FUCKING WALMART came into the closest larger town that I live in. Within two years every single small business for prob 100 mile radius around my town went under. I got LAID THE FUCK OFF. Now I have a question?! 0+0= FUCKING ZERO how do you expect me and my husband to feed our kids? I have a MASTERS degree in business. I just got a decent job about a month ago and I have to drive 2 hours one way. So I'm working my ass off NOW for way less. Not seeing my kids OR my husband (who by the way had to resort to working at fucking MCDONALD'S when he has a Bachelor's in business administration and was recently turned down for an assistant manager position bc they gave it to an 18 years old boy that works at Walmart part time too) so you mean to tell me if your princess buttercup ass was in that position and COULDN'T feed your children or even pay the fucking morgatge! Would you, after fucking decades of paying into the government so people can get food stamps it's wrong bc I have them? And they hardly give you shit! So yes me and my masters degree and my husband and his bachelor's degree have stolen EVERYTHING that we needed to keep our family off the streets. Having no food in the house gets your kids taken! Having dirty children gets your kids taken. By God I'll tell you another thing...we are doing a hell of alot better financially now and my ass was in Walmart last night not contributing to the cash register AGAIN! just bc they don't give a fucking damn about what they take and take and take from people! I'll take anything that's not nailed down if it's gonna put even a fucking tiny drop in the bucket of hurting them. I swear to God people like you are what is fucking actually WRONG with this country! Judgemental snooty mother fuckers who would rather close the blinds instead of looking at the homeless outside. I guess your asshole is puckered so tight your shit is coming up thru ur throat and out bc that's EXACTLY what that post you made made me think. Fuck YOU! Carry on with your "licks" people.

    2. That's right. Come a time every person will need to choose morals over survival. And I for one choose life.

  9. this is absolute horrible slimeball things to do. this is STEALING and it's one of many reasons this country is going down the tubes. people think the deserve to get something without working for it or paying for it. you people should be ashamed. are you illegally on food stamps too?

    1. your a bitch say something else besides that bitch

  10. this is absolute horrible slimeball things to do. this is STEALING and it's one of many reasons this country is going down the tubes. people think the deserve to get something without working for it or paying for it. you people should be ashamed. are you illegally on food stamps too?

  11. Clay Culhayne, you're f-ing retarded, whatever happens to Wal-Mart, they deserve it!!! Since I was fired at the age of 16 for selling cigarettes to a minor and STILL not rehire-able, F**K walmart!!! I have been scamming Wal-Mart since then and still do!!! Wal-Mart is crooked AND are a multi-million dollar corporation!!! I'd be rich if they never fired me!!!

    1. I work there and as a casher you have to be 21 to sell smokes to I don't believe you.

    2. They even ask questions like if your on food stamps in the application . That's fkd up they just now no shit called me for an interview.

  12. Just get a life. If you think thst walmart deserve this then I am thinking what uou deserve then?

    1. Not to mention not hiring anyone full time so they don't have to dish out benefits to their employees

    2. But still making you work the highest amount of hours they can without classifying you as full-time. Fucking bullshit. I agree

  13. If you are just going to steal just over 90% of the stuff in Walmart doesn't have an alarm. Also almost every Walmart has a blend spot in the mens part of the shoe department. I have worked at several wal marts (as security) So I know this stuff.

  14. clay u are a fuckin faggot ass piece of fuckin shit and i would really love to hurt you..keep up the dick suckin bitch ass..

  15. You are all fucking retarded and what you think is such a simple thing to do can easily land you in jail for a measly $50 gift card. Not to mention that the more people who pull this shit the more Walmart finds ways to avoid it.

    1. Its easy for people with money to criticize the hungry. Some of us will steal and live rather than laying in the gutter and and starving ti death

    2. You cant goto jail for theft of $50 you ignorant prick. Not even theft under 1k

    3. Ohhhh yes you can!!! My sister had a heroin habit and used to steal dvd"s from Wal-Mart. She got sentenced to 6 mos for theft under $1000...

  16. You can return items under $10 to Walmart without a receite

  17. actually you can return ANYTHING without a receipt, only thing they wont take back is jewelry and medicine products, and obviously used make-up. you can return anything 25 dollars and under for cash and alls you need is a state id. you have 3 returns with no receipt every 45 days...... have fun

    1. I heard you could only do this 3 times per year. Thanks for teling us this. Im going to walmart right now. I want free alcohol and cigarettess

    2. Whaaaat they do cash no reciept returns under 25!? Well shit son I'm looking for a ride now ha (also fuck you haters if u could walk in my shoes for an hour you'd understand let alone 27 years of being pissed on now my dad the hardest working and most honest SOB on the planet is losing his house and small auto repair business because the government fucked up some papers and won't do anything about it, now my parents Gotta move to Alaska and I'm moving to San Diego all from Seattle where u grew up, so no I don't feel bad as people who understand mentioned abive, I'M HUNGRY SON!!! Shit I like to eat too from time to time I'm lucky if I get one meal a day in me mother fuckers shit I wanna fruit roll up too from time to time so suck my big one and stay off the blog if u don't like it.

  18. Hey captain save a ho get off this site if your so worried about stealing I wouldn't smack you with my pimp hand then steal all your shit

    1. Haha you have posts on your profile about god and yet you talk to others like this. Nice representation of your "religion"

  19. Yeah bro clay piece of fucking shitdick stay away if your worried about stealing it our right to do what we want to do its America

  20. Yeah bro clay piece of fucking shitdick stay away if your worried about stealing it our right to do what we want to do its America

  21. No u can only return to 3items a year without a receipt but you can return anything less than $10 without showing your ID and without a receipt

  22. Way to live a good example for your daughter. You're teaching her that stealing is ok as long as you don't get caught, and that lying and cheating are "smart" things to do. This is really depressing.

    1. Do you think they will not change you things if you appear on their record to much?

  23. Actually if you look up the corpirate return policy without a reciept it doesnt not state how many times you can return things without a reciept in a certaon time frame

  24. The return policies vary from store to store. The Wal-Mart right next to me will allow you to return anything under and up to 10$ after tax with no receipt and no ID and give you cash money. The Wal-Mart a few miles away won't give you cash no matter what even if the item is 0.25. Gift cards only. Depends on the store and the manager.

  25. Bar codes make this impossible. Also, stop being so crappy.

  26. Stealing from Walmart is payback for the jobs they stole from small towns allover America.Walmart,home depot,Lowe's are all evil empires that make contractors pay checks half what they should be aspecialy flooring installers.fuck all you moronic American zombies that believe your jobs are your budy and the company you work for gives a flying fuck about you or your family.unless you're union your dogshit.

  27. Nobody making you steal and you sure as fuck aren't going to change our minds so why don't you put an egg in your shoe and beat it. And then stick it in your ass.

    1. My post was to ambiguous. I am pro-theft. Merry Fucking Christmas.

    2. Hey Clay, you are the same piece of shit that has his own deep dark dirty secret. You just don't have the fucking balls to talk about it online. Here's to the nut-less!

    3. For real tho us hungry shit on so called "thieves" are always the hot topic when half u fucking accusers are no bullshit, actual fucking pedophiles??? Yeah clay who deserves the gallows more boy you or me?

  28. Thanks for telling the whole world about it....makes it harder to do go show

  29. OK I steal from Walmart on a regular bacis. So I have a lot of experience in this subject the most I ever stop at once was around 2000 dollies worth of mecindice now I know your like baguul how did you do this your a piece of shit well yes I am thank you for taking note. Now the thing of turning in three items in a year yes however you can turn in multi items three different times in a year and that's exactly what I did. Went to multiple Walmart's with my mecindice and sold it right back to them however I had four other Pple helping me accomplish this task family is badass they don't give a fuck now.

  30. OK I steal from Walmart on a regular bacis. So I have a lot of experience in this subject the most I ever stop at once was around 2000 dollies worth of mecindice now I know your like baguul how did you do this your a piece of shit well yes I am thank you for taking note. Now the thing of turning in three items in a year yes however you can turn in multi items three different times in a year and that's exactly what I did. Went to multiple Walmart's with my mecindice and sold it right back to them however I had four other Pple helping me accomplish this task family is badass they don't give a fuck now.

  31. That's awesome I want to try the barcode switcheroo.

    1. I need the printer mod for my Motorola phone. I think it print stickers and shit so barcoding would be so easy

  32. I know several ways of opening display cases and cakeing up in Walmart. I’ve been doing this shit since 11 wit my dad. Not to brag but I’ve done some beastly ass shit had them chase me several times out with book bags full of stolen shit (expensive shit) I generally try to pop a case and go for the iPods and airpods but I have popped a case and took a filing cabinet out of the box and went to where I popped the case and throw all of the shit in the box then tape the top up with their tape in the store and flip it over so the taped side isn’t showing then I’ll ring that bitty up in the self checkout and get ghost. If there was any more Walmart’s around me that had that type of display case they’d get kicked off on too. I am actually on the run right now for this Walmart shit it’s not a game folks this shit real out here they hit me with felony larceny felony possession of stolen goods and injury to personal property and I made it away but they got my tags or some shit and burnt me in the end I thought it was all good in the good. Little did I know... now I’ve violated my probation and I’m on the run again my wife’s pregnant and I’ve got a son I will do anything to make sure they are straight and will do it all over again to keep food in their mouths.

  33. I just wanna steal me a big ass tub of protein powder lol

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